Prototyping in design through science fiction films

A study of diegetic prototypes, as seen in science fiction films, and how they are an effective means of prototyping in design.

Dissertation By

By Ipshita Pal

Supervisor: Lim Guo Wen

Presented to the Faculty of Design School of Design Communication



This paper is an exploration into diegetic prototypes and how the techniques behind the creation of such prototypes can be inculcated in the prototyping methods in design today. The key concepts include design fiction, which is used as a concept to understand diegetic prototyping, in the context of science fiction films.

This paper looks into the pre-existing prototyping techniques in design, how science fiction props can be used for prototyping, how diegetic prototypes are created, how designers are branching out and exploring prototyping through films, and finally, proposing a different perspective to view diegetic prototyping for design. The proposal being made in this paper is in relation to how the fictional setup of the science fiction films can be used to create designs for the characters of that fictional scenario. This would allow for the situational and user testing of the design, which can then be extrapolated and be prototyped for in the real world. The study concludes that the process of diegetic prototyping can open up new avenues and expand the limitations that the real world poses for prototyping in design.


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